From grief to recovery and growth


Grief mentoring -  Reinvention coaching - Career,  health and development



I am so sorry that you are here, and experiencing loss and changes in your life. The path of loss is hard, and sometimes exhausting. I am here to be your guide, so you can experience support, hope, freedom, direction and meaning.  I will share useful insights, tools and methodes, taking you step by step towards healing and recovery. I have worked supporting people the past 10 years.

I am a certified Grief Educator by author, psychologist and grief expert David Kessler. I am also a certified Life Coach by author and founder of Levin Life Academy (LLCA) Nancy Levin cooperation with David Kessler. These tooIs and processes goes well together with grief and change. There is a experience of feelings of grief in a lot of life situations. -The loss of a loved one, divorce, loss of relationships and estrangements, loss of health, loss of of a job, financial loss, pet loss, moving house and other. There is also loss of identity,  meaning, courage or hope.  Maybe you are just feeling empty. 

As a Grief Educator, I will witness you, support you and share insights and tools, towards your recovery.

As a Life Transition Coach I can enable you to navigate profound changes with greater ease. I support you in creating a vision of a desired future, and help clarify intentions for the future, even after loss. I teach you coping skills as well as self-care and boundary work, to ensure you are fully supported. I also specialise in supporting you identifying what you truly desire from your professional life, and how to get from where you are to where you want to be, empowering you taking control over your career trajectory/career management and overcoming your challenges. 

I am internationally certified by Wiley in tools used for employee, team- and leadership behavioral development - effective communication, colaboration, motivation- and stress factors++ and also a certified career advisor.

I would be honored to be your guide in any of these areas of your need and interest for your empowerment and growth. I offer my sessions digitally in Zoom in English and Norwegian (Scandinavian) language. 

I am Norwegian, and have also lived and studied many years  abroad in Belgium, England and Singapore, and worked for international companies. My career have been in corporate and media, work and health, non profit organizations and in academia. I am an optimistic and social person, who likes people, culture, travel and learning new things. I am also voluentering for Action for Happiness (www.action for

I am so sorry to unexpectedly have lost loved once in my closest family and also friends. I know a lot about grief and pain. It has fully impacted who I am today, and all aspects of my life. I have also experienced beeing a manager/HR for employees in grief.

My mission is to support you and be a fellow traveler  towards recovery and growth🌱


Warm wishes, 





"My coach took very good care of me through the entire coaching sessions. From the beginning she was very precise on both time, and instructions  related to the session and expectiations. This was a new experience to me, and I was quite exited before starting. I am glad to say that my expectations were met, and I feel I have learned a lot throughout the process and have gained useful tools and insights for further reflection and reinvention. I will definitely recommend my coach and this experience to others. Thank you!"  

Ola, Advisor, Norway. 


 "Kathrine Koren is the finest of Life Coaches! She helped me manifest not only finishing my book, but afforded me through her eight dimensions coaching process, the tools I needed to get my book published. Prior to her coaching, I favoured avoiding any sense of spotlight. Through her patience, reframing, and active listening, I am not only a published author, but now, having a publisher who wants the first right of refusal of my next book! I am so furtunate to have accessed Kathrine Korens Life Coaching skills!" 

Laurie, Licensed Psychologist and Author, USA.

"What I was able to take with me afterwards has become so important to me. I can use what I have learned to be able to function better in my everyday life after just a few sessions . The insight has changed me, and opened something in me, which was concrete and as I needed to be proven and aware of. The awareness makes it easier for me to understand myself in situations at work and in private. I recommended for anyone who wants a change! My coach was able to easily understand me and guide me further with the themes that appeared along the way in a very good process . The structure of the 8 themes in the sessions built naturally on each other and provided a good framework" 

Anne, teacher and pedagogue, Norway

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